Winter activities
Lithuania is a great destination for the true winter experience. The snow covers the country for almost 3 months and different attractions like sledding, ice fishing, and ice skating makes winter time in Lithuania fun-filled and different. Winter entertainment in Lithuania: Ice fishing - enthusiastic fishermen can experience typical fishing on ice which is one of the most popular winter activities in Lithuania Meja Travel - fishing in the Curonian Lagoon and the Baltic Sea. Husky riding - during the ride filled with fun you will experience a beauty of Lithuanian nature. Taiga Euro Baltica - organise husky riding and Lithuanian countryside tours.
Anyksciai region surrounded by the exceptionally natural beauty is only 60 miles from capital, and offers a range of activities for winter season.
Skiing centre "Kalita" - although Lithuania doesn't have towering mountains, but skiing and sledding are nevertheless a popular winter activities. The unique Narrow Gauge Railway "Siaurukas" will offer thrilling winter trips where passengers will get involved into amusing attractions and enjoy musical performances.